Handing out non-biodegradable sanitary pads to rural school girls who have reached menarche will not address their menstrual hygiene issue. Clean and functional toilets with water supply, awareness about menstruation, economical and biodegradable pads and more is needed, finds Puja Awasthi. Anupama Shukla, a postgraduate in sociology adheres to the belief that menstruation is ‘dirty’ and any breach of its …
Author: Volunteer
Here is Why Women should switch to Reusable Menstruation Pads!

We are really happy to see the issue of the menstrual health and awareness taking up with Indian Media. In today’s papers we’ve read about UGER, a women’s group in Udaipur. A graduate of NID, Lakshmi Murthy, who had been already running Vikalp Design, a social design and communication initiative to talk about sex education, launched a new endeavor in 2011. The Uger project started …