Sanitary napkins may be free, but schoolgirls suffer | Bengaluru News – Times of India

BENGALURU: Shuchi, the Karnataka government’s programme to promote menstrual hygiene among schoolgirls, is dogged by logistics issues which are undermining its objectives. While the programme envisages distribution of free sanitary napkins to adolescent girls, the enabling atmosphere is missing in most government and aided schools and hostels. No access to water, lack of soaps to wash hands, absence of paper …

Scotland’s free Pads/Tampons show the true mark of an Evolved Civilization

This week, Scotland became the first nation in the world to guarantee free sanitary products to all students at schools, colleges, and universities. It’s part of a £5.2 million ($6.7 million) government plan to fight “period poverty”—the problems faced by women who struggle to cover their basic needs while menstruating. That Scotland has taken the initiative to do so, particularly …